Worried, Anxious, or Frazzled? Do You Have a ‘Nervous System Hyperactivity Syndrome’?
When there is a perceived-threat, we panic and our reaction is to run away. That is a good thing. We have a built-in system that allows us to ‘stay alive’ by running away.
What happens if the perceived-threat is constant, and if our alert system is in a constant ‘hyper-drive’? Being in a constant state of panic, anxiety, overwhelm, hyper-drive, fight-or-flight that does not resolve with rest?
When you experience a constant agitation, you can’t sleep, your moods fluctuate, your ability to cope with stress is low, this may all be due to what I refer to as having a ‘nervous system hyperactivity syndrome’.
It is that very state that causes you to be in a constant state of ‘stress’. It can be hard to unwind, relax, or even experience joy. It is a full-on anxiety, a state of constant worry. Anxiety affects many people and of all ages. Anxiety can be debilitating. Anxiety can disrupt sleep, can drain your energy.
None of us are immune from worry. We have all experienced worry at one point or another. You know that feeling before you have to do a presentation, or have an exam coming up? Those times are generally transient, they do not last and resolve once we complete our task-at-hand. Again, having our inherent built-in system that allows us to mount a stress-response is a good thing, it keeps us out of danger. It is only a problem when that system is always on.
Sometimes having anxiousness manifests as a racing-mind, a feeling of racing thoughts that can be hard to slow down, or shut off. This can prevent you from getting to sleep, or staying asleep. Moreover, night time is the time when everything feels exaggerated and overwhelming, even trivial issues that seem perfectly normal during the day.
Got anxiety after reading this?
The good news is that we do have incredible power to help ourselves feel better. And, yes sometimes we do need the help from a trusted-advisor (that’s where I come in).
As a starting point, here are your 3 most essential steps:
- Follow the circadian rhythm (get to bed and wake up at the same time every day, and that includes the weekends!)
- Consider magnesium (most of us are deficient and it is a natural ‘muscle-relaxant’ in the body)
- Meditation (it is a must, and no ifs/buts about it!)