
Color Your Way to Calm anxiety brain health inspired living life transformation mind

Coloring Can Help When You Are Anxious

Feeling anxious, worried, restless? Anxiety is a feeling of overwhelm. It can cause a whole series of physical, mental, emotional, or other symptoms. Anxiety can often cause restlessness, or even agitation. Being anxious prevents your ability to focus, or...

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For the Love of Oats: Natural Anxiety Relief anxiety brain energy health life transformation mind

Anxiety and Oats

There is no one size-fits-all when it comes to exploring your natural anxiety relief solutions. There are many different ways that you can help alleviate anxiety, including exercise, meditation, medication, herbal medicine, and so many more options. 

In this short brief, I...

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Natural Anxiety Relief Solutions: Nutrients and Botanicals. anxiety brain energy food health life transformation meditation mind

Got Anxiety? 

Anxiousness, restlessness, agitation, or panic? Anxiety is not a pleasant experience. At times, it may feel as though you are trying to "crawl out of your skin" just to experience some calm. That craving to feel more relaxed, more peaceful often arises when you are battling...

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Steps to Rewire Your Brain for Calm anxiety brain energy health heart inspired living life transformation meditation mind

Have you ever experienced fast heart rate, fast breathing, headaches, muscle tension, and so on? That is what anxiety feels like. In fact, anxiety is a global epidemic. It is associated with your body's response to a threat (that is not generally present). This feeling, or body's reaction is due...

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Breathing + Eye Movement Exercises to Enhance Your Brain Circuitry anxiety brain energy health inspired living life transformation meditation mind

Breathing is an essential part of life, yet it is common for many people (you may be one of them) not to breathe properly. During the times of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, most people take shallow breaths. This type of breathing will often deprive your cells and tissues in the body of oxygen....

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Healthy Dozen: 12+1 Natural Anxiety Treatments anxiety brain health heart inspired living life transformation mind

There are many natural remedies to help treat anxiety, or alleviate the symptoms associated with anxiety, and there is no one size that fits all. It is essential to pay attention to how anxiety manifests for you, what symptoms arise, the time of the day, any and all factors that exacerbate your...

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Open Your Mind and Your Heart for Inner-Healing brain health heart inspired living life transformation mind


Our brains are not wired for doing more, being busy, juggling a lot. Although some people are able to ‘multi-task’ that does not mean they are more productive, it simply means they are juggling more activities and unlikely doing any of them well (or, being fully-engaged)....

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Your daily practice helps to wire the brain brain energy health inspired living life transformation mind

Take Action…

  1. Commit to your self, make you important again… it is a life or death situation.
  2. Commit to 30 days, which of course is a ‘habit’ after that point… but not always. In fact, it is not about forming habits. It is about forming brain connections. It is...
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Tame your anxious mind before it becomes anxiety brain health inspired living life transformation mind

Have you ever felt your mind racing at one hundred miles per hour? I know I have. It feels overwhelming, there is a sense of being ‘out of control’. The experience of a racing mind can often lead to a series of physical symptoms, including restlessness, excessive sweating, increased...

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Worried, Anxious, or Frazzled? Do You Have a ‘Nervous System Hyperactivity Syndrome’? brain energy health inspired living life transformation mind

When there is a perceived-threat, we panic and our reaction is to run away. That is a good thing. We have a built-in system that allows us to ‘stay alive’ by running away.

What happens if the perceived-threat is constant, and if our alert system is in a constant...

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Naturally Altered States of Consciousness brain energy health inspired living life transformation mind

Every day we experience altered states of consciousness. Daydreaming, sleep, and others are actually altered states. How? The secret is in our brainwaves.

In fact, you can ‘induce’ your own altered state. Better yet, with the use of sound you can experience a deeper state of...

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Nervous System Hyperactivity ‘Syndrome’ brain energy health inspired living life transformation mind

Have you heard of it?

You may have it.

How do you feel when you are overwhelmed? Do you have any overwhelm in your life? Do you feel as though you have a lot on your plate?

Are you agitated, nervous, anxious, have mood swings, digestive issues, fatigue, pain, or other symptoms?

If so, then you...

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